IndoScandic Organisation

IndoScandic Organisation

Become a partner

UNESCO cannot act alone. We need collective intelligence. We need to share knowledge. We need to act together.




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UNESCO’s approach to partnership is firmly anchored in the 2030 Agenda and at its heart lies SDG 17 ‘Partnership for the goals’.

UNESCO relies on a comprehensive and diverse set of collaborative relations and partnerships to pursue its mission and implement its programmes. Partnering with UNESCO is a commitment to the highest standards of equity, fairness, accountability, and excellence. 

Become a partner of UNESCO and bring out the best in our shared humanity.

Our partners

Our Stories

Transforming lives through education

We promote quality education and lifelong learning for all to build a better future.

Furthering science for sustainability

We support scientific cooperation to enhance sustainability and support public policies.

Building fairer and inclusive societies

We strengthen social policies and advocate for emerging technologies to benefit all.

Protecting our heritage and fostering creativity

We promote and safeguard culture to build resilient communities.

Promoting freedom of expression and access to quality information

We support information literacy, protection of journalists and stronger digital governance.

Protecting the health of our shared ocean for future generations

We foster international cooperation in marine sciences to improve ocean management.

Supporting Africa's development

Through Priority Africa, we emphasize education, culture, and innovation to empower African societies and foster resilience.

Empowering through equality

Through Priority Gender Equality, we aim to empower both women and men through education, inclusion, and equal opportunities.

603 contributors are supporting 2064 projects in 172 countries

Action on the ground


UNESCO in Africa


UNESCO in Africa


UNESCO in Africa


UNESCO in Africa